HAMSAT VO-52 Recovery Operations


With regrets, we confirm the non-availability of the transponder on HAMSAT VO-52 since 28th February 2012. This is the first ever interruption in the services of HAMSAT since May 5th 2005.

The following question came from ISRO:

If possible, try to find out who has last operated HAMSAT payload transponder on 28th and at what time.

OZ1MY/Ib answered the following:

In my record I heard and briefly used the transponder on the pass with AOS here in Copenhagen, Denmark at 0826 UTC on the 28th, February. On the next pass with AOS at 1003 UTC it was not on.

VO-52 PreFlightVO-52 Telemetry:

There where some questions about how to find out what the state is of VO-52. When looking in to that, I found out that Telemetry and Groundstation command is done outsite the amateur frequency. TM is done on 137MHz en TC on 149MHz. The exact frequency is only know by ISRO as confirmed by PE1RAH in a conversation between him and SV1BSX.

HAMSAT telemetry: Posted by William, 25 May’05 Hi, The HAMSAT gives only telemetry to the ISRO groundstation on none ham frequencies. ISRO use it to check the status and to switch on/off the transponders and change attitude when needed. The telemetry will only be activated by ISRO groundstation and is not for public use. The frequencies are secret and only for ISRO. 73 pe1rah William.

[PE0SAT Thanks AMSAT-BB, PE1RAH and SV1BSX for the above information]