Telemetry decoding May 12 2013

12-05-2013 14:51 UTC O/OREOS

14:51:01 KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0 (1201 baud):    E7E3DA033C00330200A30131022C0054050D5F094300204B46
14:51:06 KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0 (1201 baud):    ECE3DA000F0051021FE4020102000286010D5F094300204B46
14:51:11 KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0 (1201 baud):    F1E3DA01BB023C0271FC013300A600CF090D5F094300204B46
14:51:16 KF6JBP/TELEM>UNDEF>UI,C,F0 (1201 baud):    F6E3DA02BC003C02A70000A301AD059A000D5F094300204B46

OOREOS TLE 11-05-2013 14:51 UTC

12-05-2013 15:35 UTC AENEAS

AENEAS TLM 12-05-2013 15:35 UTC

15:35:59 KE6YFA-1/TELEM>CQ>UI,?,F0 (1199 baud):
15:36:19 KE6YFA-1/TELEM>CQ>UI,?,F0 (1199 baud):
15:36:39 KE6YFA-1/TELEM>CQ>UI,?,F0 (1199 baud):
AENEAS Beacon Data Decoder, Rev 1.1
Opening file at 29-04-2013-TLM.txt
AENEAS Beacon TLM Packet found:
Total length: 29
Unused: 0x02 0x00 
Time: 3/20/11-0-23:44:0
Reboots: 1287
Last Reboot Cause: 0
Flash Status: 0
Bit 0 = 0 : Device is ready.
Bit 1 = 0 : Device is NOT write-enabled.
Bit3&4= 1 : All sectors software-protected.
Bit 4 = 0 : WP is asserted.
Bit 5 = 0 : Last op successful.
Bit 7 = 0 : Sector Protection Registers unlocked.
Payload Write Pointer: 1867520
Telemetry Pointer: 7729152
Radio Status: 73
No detailed Radio info yet
Misc Write Pointer: 1106647872

12-05-2013 17:02 UTC AAUSat-3

What a signal, wouldn’t it be great if they had an amateur radio payload that we could use.

AAUSat-3 TLM 12-05-2013 17:03 UTC

12-05-2013 20:12 UTC CO-65

CO65 12-05-2013 20:12 UTC

HI HI DE JQ1YTC DIGI OFF CUTE 87 CC A6 96 3C 27 24 81 4F 34 17 
HI HI DE JQ1YTC DIGI OFF CUTE 87 CC A8 97 3C 27 24 78 50 34 17 
HI HI DE JQ1YTC DIGI OFF CUTE 87 CC A9 98 3C 27 24 78 51 34 17

CO65 TLE 12-05-2013 20:12 UTC

CO-65 digipeater always ON

This is a nice opportunity to use your 23cm radio and antenna setup. There are not many Satellites that have 23cm enabled.

CUTE-1.7 + APD II - CO-65Ground Station of CO-65 says that Digipeater is always open in March all over the world.

Uplink 1267.600MHz / Downlink 437.475MHz, 9600bps GMSK

Via the following links one can find more information and send reports.

[PE0SAT Thanks JE9PEL for the above information]